Tuesday 10 June 2014

Lesson Planning Motivational Techniques

Paul Crawford                                                                                                            
P.I.D. Course 3100
Lesson Planning
Motivational Techniques
Rationale 3 of 5

        “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin) This is a quote that has inspired me for a while. It says to me, Hey! Are you ready to go? A motivated student can be the best motivation in the classroom. The student that arrives late, papers everywhere, cell phone in one hand and half a croissant in their mouth, is not the ideal example of a properly motivated student. I will put this person with my highly motivated one and explain that this is the level I need all of you to be at. I want to empower my students so they feel that they are in control over their destiny. We will discuss a few topics, such as learning to turn veggies or creating one of the classic sauces we have just talked about, I will ask them which one would you like to start with first, and usually go with the majority. I will set the goals for the day as well as the week and make sure that the students adhere to the lesson plan. A humorous motivating story that is relevant with the tasks at hand is a good ice breaker that generally relaxes their brains, making them open up for what's ahead. Most importantly, I as the expediter and facillitator of the lesson plan must be the motivated one first and foremost. The enthusiasm that I will bring to the students should make them realize, wow the Chef is ready for today, I better be as well.

Lesson Planning Blooms Taxonomy

Paul Crawford                                                                                                          P.I.D.  Course 3100
Lesson Planning
Blooms Taxonomy
Rationale 1 of 5

        I appreciate Bloom's ideals with Taxonomy as it relates quite well in my career as a Chef. Is an industry where your skills are constantly being critiqued. Emotion (Affective Domain) can be felt in a highly motivational way such as a great compliment on your plate, or as a mind numbing cerebral attack by the Chef to you personally when you fail to full fill a guests preconceived expectations. In my classroom, listening with respect is OK; but ultimately the willingness to hear my instruction and comprehend it is vital for success. Priorities with timing, being organized in both their professional and personal lives is a necessary prerequisite when we enter the Cognitive Domain of a busy kitchen that is “only as good as their last meal served!” We all comprehend lessons and hands on instruction at different levels. I as an Instructor would be in seventh heaven if all of my students GOT IT! As an Instructor I will demonstrate to my students the procedures and techniques required to help them master certain skill sets (Psycomotor). Having the awareness of what is required to become a great cook and being motivated daily will greatly assist a student as they learn the complexities and multiple techniques that this career path will undoubtedly take them down.

Lesson Planning Media

Paul Crawford                                                      
P.I.D. 3100
Lesson Planning
Rationale 5 of 5
Web Site http://www.pearsonhighered.com

        Where would we be without the visual arts in Education? I love the media aspect of teaching! Things haven't changed much since I was a youngling. You tell the class that we will be watching a video on sauce making made my a famous Chef and immediately the class is interested. I like to make my own videos and introduce them in the class. I expect the students to be taking notes, not just using the time as a snooze fest. I will tell them that I will be quizzing them after the video so that usually gets there attention. A Power Point presentation is something I will drop on them just prior to a test. This makes sure that as we go over the weeks lesson plan on power point that they actually stay awake during the presentation. I have used concept mapping to demonstrate the hierarchy of how kitchens positions are laid out. Concept maps are used to demonstrate the breakdown of butchery and the secondary cuts. These displays are attached to the walls of a lot of kitchens so the staff have easy access. Other avenues of media that I will use are You Tube for great recipes. The book “On Cooking” that each of the students at V.C.C. are required to have in class is also full of a massive amount of information that the students can also access on line. The on-line information has a plethora of web sites that students can go to for more in depth instruction.

Lesson Planning Assessment

Paul Crawford   
P.I.D. 3100                                                                                                              
Lesson Planning
Rationale 4 of 5

         I didn't pick this rationale because I love it. I picked it because it is one of those must do\s in my mind. Assessments are a critical part of education and almost every other part of life. How does a person know how they're doing? In my career at the moment, pre-assessment has become normal for me. I go to work and have a ten minute chin wag with the current instructor to figure out who the students are, where they are in the current model of their term and what is expected for the duration of my time with the class. They will provide me with a quick assessment of the class. During these assessments I take the information, write down the important issues and go to the class. When I enter the class, we go over all of the info that I have about the day, and make it happen. My post assessment will always take place at the end of the day. I will spend ten to fifteen minutes to provide post assessment and feedback details regarding the lessons learned, how to fix the issues that have come up, what is expected for the next day and I always finish off with the winners of the day. This is a motivational tool that students can either embrace or not. It tells me a lot about who is motivated and who really cares about what they are doing. Without fail the classes that I teach really enjoy this part of my educational philosophy. I make sure not to embarrass any of the students, but I do make sure that all of the students take away valuable teachings, how to improve moving forward, as well how to avoid making the same mistakes. The feedback either confirms or it changes what they have learned. Timing the delivery of individual feedback is crucial to the success of each student.

Trends and Roles in Education (Roles)

Roles that exist in Education 2014

       Is technology changing the role of Teachers? When talking about 21st 

century learning, there’s one critical component that binds the concept 

together:Technology. It's technology in its various forms that is driving 

innovation, changing the way that students think and, as a result, changing 

the way that teachers teachDigital acumen in particular, has become one of 

the main priorities of education. It’s a theme and a skill that many futurists 

argue will be number one  for students attending college or for pursuing 

successful careers in the 21st century. Technology has become the norm in 

our nation’s schools, you would be hard pressed to find districts without access 

to computer labs or the Internet. As a result, teachers are beginning to take a 

different approach to education in order to accommodate the needs of 21st 

century students. They’re integrating technology into instruction by 

encouraging students to use computers for research or work with adaptive 

learning technologies to help grasp new concepts. Clearly, technology isn't just 

helping students evolve – it’s also changing the role of teachers in the 

classroom. The educators of today have mastered certain skills that many

instructors in the past never even had to consider. So, how exactly is the 21st 

century teacher different? As we move forward into the future, we now realize 

that all teachers and instructors will need to possess certain attributes. Here 

are a few examples of forward thinking that Educators need to embrace.

     1.   While teachers have always needed to communicate with their 

students, the way in which they do so has evolved. Instead of the usual 

sweater clad walking chalk in front of our classrooms, writing and talking 

about important ideals, they are now encouraging dialogue – allowing the 

students to question what they are learning and to think more critically, the 

feedback is instant and hopefully without ridicule and harassment! 

     2.   In addition to being a good communicator, 21st century Teachers must 

be willing to collaborate with students in ways they haven’t before. This 

gives Teachers the opportunity to work with Students in smaller groups and 

makes the students look at the Teachers on a more even playing field, 

creating a less stressful environment and also encouraging them to be more 

free thinking in the classroom.

      3.  Being able to adapt to different learning programs that many school 

districts now use is vitally important. Teachers need to be more flexible and 

adaptive with their lesson plans. They must allow themselves to have the 

ability to customize even their own curriculum and to alter lesson plans. To 

allow dialogue between the Teachers and students only encourages our 

Educators to become partners in the learning process, rather than seeing 

them as being completely separate.

     3.   An interesting way that teachers are changing is that they have become

facilitators of global learning. They help Students discover knowledge on 

their own, rather than simply delivering it. The luxury of the World Wide Web, 

no matter what one thinks of it, is that there is actually very good information 

out there. This places students in an active role, keeps them very engaged 

and as long as they stay focused on the subject at hand, will also keep them

interested in a world that is evolving at an exponential rate.    

     4.   For the more animated Educators that are teaching in the Institutes of 

higher learning, performance art through acting, comedy or just simple role 

playing can definitely assist with engaged learning. When you have pure 

laughter related to curriculum, you have engagement. You will then have the 

Students attention, some of them wanting more and others cringing at the 

thought of the Teacher involving them in a small skit related to curriculum. 

What better way to get the Students ready for life than to role play.

      5.  So finally to this blog we go. The responsibilities of Educators as 

directors of learning has been altered. Teachers have taken on other roles in 

their Schools. They liaise with their communities where they educate and bring

forth new technologies and knowledge. They continue to work diligently with 

their fellow colleagues, families, community members, local politicians, 

special needs students and their families; all for the purpose of setting realistic 

goals and mind sets for all students and families involved. Standards for 

knowledge, skills, future technologies and growing up in an ever evolving 

society will be the pinnacle that we hope to attain for our future in education 

and for all students young and old.

Monday 9 June 2014

Lesson Planning Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Paul Crawford
Creating a Positive Learning Environment                                          
P.I.D. Course 3100
Lesson Planning
Rationale 2 of 5

        I like this plan because it is very energizing to be in a positive energetic environment, no matter what the subject is! If the learning environment isn't a positive one we must make it one. My classes with definitely reflect rules from the on set. They must apply for cohesion in the learning center (your brain). Instilling rules in our brains helps assist with being prepared to learn. Respect plays a massive role in learning something new. I will lead by example and show that I actually care about my students by communicating politely, walking around the class and interacting with them, guiding them in the right direction as opposed to letting them fail on purpose. The omission of sarcastic behaviour on my part when I am dealing with a challenge, will show the students that I don't have to stoop to an ignorant level to communicate with them. How feedback is given can be the most telling tale of who I am as an Instructor. Keeping it positive with a bit of humour can work well when applied properly. Questioning a student and embarrassing them in front of their peers may be good for TV ratings but it will dissolve any respect that I have built up.

Trends and Roles in Culinary Education (Trends)

Trends that exist in the Culinary Arts 2014

        Food lovers and critics are constantly pushing the levels of acceptability within the umbrella of

consumables. How have the trends of preparation, cooking, baking, consuming, photography of

food and everything else that is attached to the Culinary Arts progressed?


         Farm to table and buying local are two very predominant trends that are here to stay.

Locally sourced ingredients that are sustainable and won't harm Eco-systems is yet another

example of how we as consumers and creators of all things edible must demand this practice,

rather than only have it on special occasions or at specialty shops paying exorbitant costs just to eat

with the confidence that this food is good and nutritious, and has been grown properly with little

effect on our planet.

     Consumers are very adamant that the majority of their consumables are created locally. This is

great for our economical success and also creates pride that says ....yes we can be self sufficient!

We don't need to spend gobs of money for the same thing produced offshore. As an Instructor, it's

very important to me that this is related to the students that I teach. It's better for everyone in the

long run, cheaper prices, fresher product and more Canadian jobs. The classroom look hasn't

changed a ton, but how the students perform whilst in the classroom has! They're more computer

savvy, so we create programs for them to assist with their high tech vision of education. We don't

need to hire Photo-gs to take our pictures for us. Every cell phone has at least a 5 megapixel

camera that can take either pictures or videos. So I have created  platforms for taking very good

pictures, using lighting, props and basically anything else that will give good results. To see the

pride that Students exhibit with not only their work but also the work of their fellow classmates is

fantastic. When a Students asks me if it's OK to film me while I perform a demo, I am more than

accepting, just as long as it is used in the context of School. Our society is a very complex one

now. The onslaught of G.M.O. (Genetically Modified Organisms) foods has created a real problem

that is a trend I would love to see go away right now!! As we address these hard topics in the

classroom, we are faced with more questions than answers Food allergies and its restrictions

combined with consumers wants and needs are over the top. Chefs need to be more aware of the

many ingredients that they can use to help alleviate some of these problematic concerns. When a

customer comes to me and says (Does that prepared salad have any gluten, dairy or sugar of any

kind in it? If it does I can't eat it or I will end up in Hospital for days.) This issue with food is very

concerning and difficult to answer. We most certainly will display the  name of the displayed salad

and provide an ingredient list, to help answer these questions.

     Even more challenging is educating the future Chefs about all of those ingredients and where a

lot of the hidden concerns live. I make it a part of my lectures with all my classes and I typically

talk about my son who lives with Autism and the challenges that we have with food. Gluten, I will

tell the Students, is hidden in a lot of foods that we use to prepare certain recipes. Understanding

these variables is now a necessity in our  industry. As we move forward in Culinary Arts

training we most definitely pay heed to these trends and many others such as how Vegetables are

now being treated like a meat dish. The costs attached to produce is high and the various ways that

we as Chefs can make them taste delicious is as important as any other ingredient that we use in

our kitchens. Molecular cooking is not as much of a burgeoning trend as it is a trend that pops up

and goes away. www.sheknows.com/food-and-recipes/articles/980423/culinary-trends-for-2013 is

a cool web site that expands on some new trends to watch out for. Some of them are eating more

clean and healthy, which will help our own longevity. Serving smaller portions will also help with

the waist line and also cost the consumer less money to enjoy their favorite restaurants. Asian food

has been around forever, but the trend is to take classic Asian ingredients and work them into more

North American dishes creating a blast of flavor with lower caloric intake. The plethora of fruits

that are available to us are starting to be used in more savory applications to assist with flavors,

tenderizing and overall plate presentations.

        It's in the classrooms and kitchens of today that the future Chefs be educated and trained to

inherit and embrace these trends to the point where they are no longer trends. Plant a seed and

watch it grow.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Cognitive Learning Theory

Paul Crawford
CRN 3100 Learning Theory Essay


Social cognitive learning is social and context bound, that definitely has 

physical representations that are replicated, monkey see monkey do. Social
environmental learning in groups through repetition and shared knowledge.
Let's face the facts. A major part of learning in today’s total environment has
never been more socially driven than it currently is now. Is the student of 

today  completely reliant on their own for direction and acknowledgement? 

"Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people 

had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do.
Fortunately, most human behavior is learned by modelling: from observing 

others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later 

occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action" Albert 

Bandura, Social Learning Theory, 1977.
In many learning situations we are put into groups of varying sizes regardless 

of educational acumen. When we embark into the intimidating world of being 

"The Student", some of our biggest fears most likely will be, will I be able to
understand the delivery of the curriculum and will I be able to absorb and
remember the curriculum. Since we were children we have been put into 

groups for the purposes of team building, morale, friendship and learning 

assistance. I remember teachers uttering certain phrases such as, help each 

other out, work together, when you’re done help out the students in your 

group. The teacher would come around to check the progress and give 

guidance accordingly. Social Cognitive Theory is alive and well here.

My reasoning for this topic

As well delve deeper into the personality types that make up our ever evolving existence, social networking genres, booking anything online, using your smart phone, even paying for parking at those automated machines, all of these actions requires a certain amount of training. With varying degrees each training module for these particular services will have a social training piece that will just happen. People in general like to show each other the how to of life. We get a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment when we can show our friends how to do something. Raising our children is a constant assault of observing, mentoring and modelling. How many times has the eldest child of a household been scolded for not setting a good example? Has the child been shown all of the parameters of what it is the parent is upset about? How can a child help out his siblings if they haven't been properly shown themselves? As young adults go through life, they huddle around in groups for many reasons such as gossip, watching the latest you tube video, security, hey look at my new gadget so I can show you how it works, look at me, hey how did you do that? Socially we need each other more than we think. We connect to each other through mentoring, mimicking and admiration. Choosing Social Cognitive Learning Theory was easy due to the day to day tasks that a Chef Instructor must deliver. I enjoy showing students how to cook a variety of items as they go through their learning experiences. Chefs use a variety of delivery systems, video demos, hands on live demos with description and of course each student must have the On Cooking text with them. This text book is full of information from pictures to web addresses for more in depth information. An interesting learning technique is having the student perform the demo with the Chefs assistance. Quite often what happens is a student will be working on turning vegetables, which is cutting certain vegetables such as carrots, zucchini and potatoes into barrel shapes, essentially the vegetable must have seven sides as a grading tool. I will line up the examples the student has done and critique each one. The majority of them fail on the first few times, I will show them again and explain how to do it properly. It is not easy to learn. A Chef will demonstrate how to turn a variety of vegetables and then watch the students as they attempt to master the art of turning. This is a very visually demanding exercise and is tough on the hands, they will cramp from time to time. It is these challenges that is exciting for me to educate the future Chefs of our society.

From the Learners Perspective

When adults are put into learning situations do they rely on the teacher for all information both theoretical and practical, for the most part they do. When it comes time for them to get the job done they will naturally gravitate to each other for advice on how to deal with a problem that they are finding difficult. Is self-efficacy the outcome of expectancy and is reinforcement necessary for both learning and performance? Reinforcement is a great tool as long as it isn't over done. With the adult learner, education can be a daunting task, is the education something that they wanted to do? Or is it a mandatory lesson in order for them to gain knowledge for job promotions or for self-realization. Each scenario presents some interesting challenges that the adult student will have to make for themselves. The age of the adult student can be another factor for expected instruction. If a student has just graduated from high school they might already be well versed in social cognitive theory and don't even realise it. They naturally seek each other out for the "how did you do that" situations, rather than going to the teacher for every single thing. Also depending on the psychology of the students they will either get the assistance they need or they won't. At that point the student has to go to the teacher and ask for a demo or just give and explanation on how to get it done. The more senior student has entered a realm that can be full of memory flashbacks.....”oh how the times they are a changing”...they might be thinking. Does a senior student seek knowledge the same way a younger student would...possibly!

From the Educators Perspective

The educator must realise these variables of teaching and be able to teach all students with slightly different approaches. In my experiences working as a Chef, teaching people of all ages and ethnicities, these theories definitely apply. Social Cognitive Theories in my experiences have never been more prevalent. Let's take the new student who has been in Canada for a short time and has a basic grasp of the English language. These students will gravitate to each other that are in the same situations. Mimicking each other and also speaking in a familiar language will help these students. Assistance from the Chef, slower orator without big words, combined with live demonstrations and modelling of how to prepare menu items.

Here's how it has looked in my classes

I had to demonstrate to a class the steps required to butcher an entire lamb. To give these students a diagram and a boning knife and wish them good luck would not be the way to get them to learn the process of deboning the animal. We would go through the steps of knife sharpening, gloves on, and a step by step visual of how to break it down. Upon finishing the demo we would talk about the primary and secondary cuts of meat that will be on one of their tests (motivation for absorbing information). From a students point of view, the task of butchery isn't everyone’s cup of tea. When they understand what it is they are working on, the student soon learns through demos and working side by side with each other, that it isn't difficult at all. As we go through our professional careers we work with both confident and less confident people. "Self-esteem and self-efficacy are often thought of as synonymous, however they vary greatly. Self-efficacy differs from self-esteem in that it's a judgement of specific capabilities rather than a general feeling of self-worth" (Beck, 2008). For example, I was in charge of making sure that we always had an Ice Sculpture for our Sunday brunches. Generally it would require 2-3 hours of my time, a lot of concentration and attention to detail. After a year or so I began to train a cook that had a ton of confidence with himself and his abilities, but had never carved ice. I told him that I was going to teach him the art of ice carving. He was excited and nervous at the same time. We would talk about the carving in it's conceptual form first, then lightly etch it onto the slightly thawed ice, and proceed from there. We would work together for weeks until he felt more confident with himself. As his self-efficacy improved so did his self esteem with this particular task. The compliments he would receive from the clients, especially the children, was definitely worth the time spent with him.

An employee may have low self-efficacy for training a new employee, but this will not cause any ill feelings of perceived self-worth. Even though the two concepts are different, they are connected. The philosophy behind Bandura’s Triadic Reciprocal Determinism is that all determinants of motivation are functionally dependent, interacting and influence one another (Bandura, 1997). Therefore, an individual who has high self-efficacy and is successful in most of the tasks he/she undertakes will most likely build a high self-esteem. Vice-versa, self-esteem could also influence self-efficacy. "It is true, however, that people tend to cultivate their capabilities in activities that give them a sense of self-worth. If empirical analysis are confined to activities in which people invest their sense of self-worth, they will inflate correlations between self-efficacy and self esteem, because the analysis ignore both domains of functioning in which people judge themselves in-efficacious but could not care less and those in which they feel highly efficacious but take no pride in performing the activity well because of its socially injurious consequences" (Bandura, 1997). My third example relates to this ideal. In the Hotel business we perform many Banquets for varying people and ethnicities. For revenue purposes we expanded our offering to the Jewish community. We Kosherized part of our kitchen in order to accommodate Barmitztvahs, Batmitzvahs and Weddings. The energy and learning curve with regards to all Kosher and Parve Kosher functions was daunting to say the least. I was working directly with several Rabbis in order to completely understand how these functions are put together as far as prep, assembly, service and clean-up was supposed to be performed. After several functions and some extremely long days performing many highly engaging events, the Chef and I decided that it would be a great idea to train another employee the fine art of Kosher food servicing. The team member that we chose wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of 14 to 20 hour days. I took him aside and explained the massive amount of experience and knowledge he was going to get from learning the intricacies of Kosher food production. It was very interesting after we performed several functions together, the team member realised the full extent of my knowledge for getting these functions completed flawlessly. He once asked me if I was Jewish.....I said no I'm not but you must behave and act as if you are Jewish. Respecting the religious ideals is the predominant motivation behind the successful completion of Kosher cuisine. While the team member understood what I was telling him about all of the demands of this denomination, he himself was an Atheist and didn't have as much respect for the processes and found a lot of it to be tough to deal with. He performed well and was appreciated by the Rabbis that we worked with. In the beginning he thought it might be injurious for his career and that the experiences he was gaining wouldn't help him with his future career decisions, well it hasn't hurt my career I told him. An interesting thing has happened in the Restaurant Industry over the past few decades. Open kitchen designs are quite apparent now. Part of the activities that I embrace when I am teaching all students is the art of "quiet"..... This is something my 4 and 8 year old haven't grasped yet but when it comes to teaching adults how to work in an open concept, it can be quite an eye opener for them. Professional etiquette, common sense and a respect for the customer as well as each other must be observed. Mimicking the stealth that the Chef and his Sous Chefs would employ while working in these kitchens was very important. Watching how the waiters and experienced cooks inter connect with each other is a must for any future Chef to be successful.


To summarise the Culinary Arts Social Cognitive Learner, we must put ourselves into the clogs of young cooks and aspiring Chefs to be. Learning a trade such as Culinary Arts is a massive and intimidating career path to go down. The majority of cooks will never make it as Chefs. The time requirement, patients, skills and all around aptitude for cooking and keeping up with this ever evolving industry, can be overwhelming to a lot of young cooks. That being said with the proper amount of hands on QUALITY training that a cook gets at each of their jobs will define them as a cook or as a Chef, it's their goal and dream to become someone who will learn a craft that will take them as far as they want to go in their lives. To be Socially Cognitive is to be rooted in a view of human agency in which individuals are agents proactively engaged in their own development and can make things happen by their actions. People are self-organising, proactive, self-reflecting, self-regulating rather than as reactive organisms shaped by environmental forces or driven by impulses (behaviorism)

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H.

Freeman. Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression: A Social

Learning Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. New York:

Beck, AT (2008) "The Evolution of the Cognitive Model of Depression and Its Neurobiological Correlates".