Tuesday 10 June 2014

Lesson Planning Media

Paul Crawford                                                      
P.I.D. 3100
Lesson Planning
Rationale 5 of 5
Web Site http://www.pearsonhighered.com

        Where would we be without the visual arts in Education? I love the media aspect of teaching! Things haven't changed much since I was a youngling. You tell the class that we will be watching a video on sauce making made my a famous Chef and immediately the class is interested. I like to make my own videos and introduce them in the class. I expect the students to be taking notes, not just using the time as a snooze fest. I will tell them that I will be quizzing them after the video so that usually gets there attention. A Power Point presentation is something I will drop on them just prior to a test. This makes sure that as we go over the weeks lesson plan on power point that they actually stay awake during the presentation. I have used concept mapping to demonstrate the hierarchy of how kitchens positions are laid out. Concept maps are used to demonstrate the breakdown of butchery and the secondary cuts. These displays are attached to the walls of a lot of kitchens so the staff have easy access. Other avenues of media that I will use are You Tube for great recipes. The book “On Cooking” that each of the students at V.C.C. are required to have in class is also full of a massive amount of information that the students can also access on line. The on-line information has a plethora of web sites that students can go to for more in depth instruction.

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