Tuesday 10 June 2014

Lesson Planning Assessment

Paul Crawford   
P.I.D. 3100                                                                                                              
Lesson Planning
Rationale 4 of 5

         I didn't pick this rationale because I love it. I picked it because it is one of those must do\s in my mind. Assessments are a critical part of education and almost every other part of life. How does a person know how they're doing? In my career at the moment, pre-assessment has become normal for me. I go to work and have a ten minute chin wag with the current instructor to figure out who the students are, where they are in the current model of their term and what is expected for the duration of my time with the class. They will provide me with a quick assessment of the class. During these assessments I take the information, write down the important issues and go to the class. When I enter the class, we go over all of the info that I have about the day, and make it happen. My post assessment will always take place at the end of the day. I will spend ten to fifteen minutes to provide post assessment and feedback details regarding the lessons learned, how to fix the issues that have come up, what is expected for the next day and I always finish off with the winners of the day. This is a motivational tool that students can either embrace or not. It tells me a lot about who is motivated and who really cares about what they are doing. Without fail the classes that I teach really enjoy this part of my educational philosophy. I make sure not to embarrass any of the students, but I do make sure that all of the students take away valuable teachings, how to improve moving forward, as well how to avoid making the same mistakes. The feedback either confirms or it changes what they have learned. Timing the delivery of individual feedback is crucial to the success of each student.

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