Monday 9 June 2014

Lesson Planning Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Paul Crawford
Creating a Positive Learning Environment                                          
P.I.D. Course 3100
Lesson Planning
Rationale 2 of 5

        I like this plan because it is very energizing to be in a positive energetic environment, no matter what the subject is! If the learning environment isn't a positive one we must make it one. My classes with definitely reflect rules from the on set. They must apply for cohesion in the learning center (your brain). Instilling rules in our brains helps assist with being prepared to learn. Respect plays a massive role in learning something new. I will lead by example and show that I actually care about my students by communicating politely, walking around the class and interacting with them, guiding them in the right direction as opposed to letting them fail on purpose. The omission of sarcastic behaviour on my part when I am dealing with a challenge, will show the students that I don't have to stoop to an ignorant level to communicate with them. How feedback is given can be the most telling tale of who I am as an Instructor. Keeping it positive with a bit of humour can work well when applied properly. Questioning a student and embarrassing them in front of their peers may be good for TV ratings but it will dissolve any respect that I have built up.

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